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How do I recycle or dispose of...

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  1. Medical Waste

    Improperly disposed pharmaceuticals and medications have been entering our water supplies from a variety of sources, including the flushing of unused medications into sewer systems. Nationwide studies have found low levels of medications such as antibiotics, hormones, contraceptives and steroids in 80% of the rivers and streams tested.

    Improperly disposed pharmaceuticals and medications have been entering our water supplies from a variety of sources, including the flushing of unused medications into sewer systems. Nationwide studies have found low levels of medications such as antibiotics, hormones, contraceptives and steroids in 80% of the rivers and streams tested. Pharmaceuticals that are improperly disposed include chemicals such as over the counter medicines, cosmetics and other personal care products, as well as antibiotics and growth hormones used with livestock.

    Do not dispose of your unwanted drugs by flushing them down the drain or toilet. You should dispose of your old drugs by placing them in your household trash by doing the following:

    • To avoid accidental or intentional misuse of drugs, treat medication (liquids and pills) by adding water, salt, ashes, dirt, cat litter, coffee grounds, or another undesirable substance.
    • Place unwanted pharmaceuticals in a sealed bag or box and seal the container with strong tape.
    • Dispose of drugs in your trash as close to your trash collection day as possible.
    • Do not conceal discarded drugs in food to prevent consumption by pets or wildlife.
    • Place household sharps like needles and lancets in a puncture proof container such as a coffee can or laundry detergent bottle. The container should be sealed with tape and labeled as "sharps" and placed in the trash for disposal and not recycling,
    • Medications with needles attached may also be disposed of at household sharps community collection programs at hospitals and nursing homes in Oneida and Herkimer Counties.

    You may also click here for a list of locations that accept pharmaceuticals for safe disposal.

    For more information, contact the Authority office at 733-1224.
