March 6, 2017

INVITATION TO BID - ETS Tip Floor Slab Repair

Sealed bids, subject to the conditions contained herein, will be received by the Solid Waste Engineer until 1:30 P.M. local time, on March 13, 2017, and then publicly opened and read, for furnishing:


Specifications and plans may be obtained from the Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority (OHSWA), 1600 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502.

A deposit in the amount of 5% of the bid will be required. This deposit shall consist of a bid bond or a certified check payable to the Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Management Authority. Failure to submit bid bond or certified check will result in automatic disqualification of bid.

Bid must be submitted upon the proposal form(s) furnished, and must not be detached from the specification book.

Packages containing bids must be sealed, marked ETS Tip Floor Slab Repair, Bid Ref. No. 17-01 and addressed to Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Management Authority, 1600 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502 Attn: Andrew Opperman.

The OHSWA reserves the right to revise or amend the specifications prior to the date set for the opening of the bids. Such revisions and amendments, if any, will be announced by addenda to this advertisement. The OHSWA reserves the right to reject all bids received.

In order to promote its established Affirmative Action Policy, OHSWA invites sealed bids from certified minority and women’s business enterprises (M/WBE). Firms that are not M/WBE’s responding to this Invitation to Bid are strongly encouraged to consider partnering or creating other similar joint venture arrangements with certified M/WBE’s. The directory of New York State Certified M/WBE’s can be viewed at OHSWA does not discriminate because of race, color, creed, national origin, age, sex, or handicap. All qualified bidders will be afforded equal opportunities without discrimination. If you have any questions regarding OHSWA’s M/WBE policy contact James Biamonte (315) 733-1224.

Any inquiries regarding details on specifications must be in writing to Andrew Opperman, Solid Waste Engineer, Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority, 1600 Genesee Street, Utica, New York 13502.


March 6, 2016

James V. Biamonte

Contract Officer